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Pittsylvania County

Jump Start QuickStart in Pittsylvania County

Training for Pittsylvania County - August 2015

Pittsylvania County is QCV's 24th county and 25th community served. There are 18 public schools with 9,300 students spread over 978 square miles -- the largest county in Virginia. There are no public tennis courts in the entire county. Hargrave Military Academy and Chatham Hall each have six courts and are interested in community outreach. Training for PE teachers and community members was held in August 2015 with 35 participants. Two schools -- Twin Springs Elementary and Chatham Middle School -- were equipped by QCV soon after. A contribution from SHEETZ #306 funded equipment for Mount Airy Elementary. An anonymous grant enabled us to equip five more schools. An equipment grant from USTA Mid-Atlantic equipped two schools, and funding from the Womack Foundation equipped four more. All elementary and middle schools in Pittsylvania were been equipped within less than one year of training. We have also equipped Sacred Heart Catholic School. Only the four public high schools left to go . . .

Now we are raising funds to purchase equipment for the Carlisle School in Chatham, one Boys & Girls Club site and for Hargrave Military Academy Community outreach which is led by Hargrave Tennis Coach Jimmy Tung. Equipment for Pittsylvania Parks & Recreation is deferred until summer 2017 while they concentrate on builidng ball fields. We need to raise funds to equip them all.

Our Jump Start QuickStart model is train, equip and support schools and other youth-centric organizations that incorporate kid-sized tennis into the curriculum and/or enrichment activites. We provide free training and raise funds to buy equipment. We try to remove all barriers to entry for schools and youth organizations. We want to get kids moving and learning a lifetime sport. A racquet in every hand! A smile on every face!

Dan River Middle School

Project Budget
It costs ~$650 to purchase 36 racquets, two portable nets and six dozen balls for one site.

18 Pittsylvania schools        $11,700        36 racquets, two portable nets and six dozen balls for each site
18 curriculum guides                 690        USTA School Tennis Curriculum kit
Parks & Recreation                 2,600        Four sites (2017/2018)
Sacred Heart Catholic Sch.        650
Carlisle School                         650
Boys & Girls Club                      650        One site
Hargrave Outreach                   650
                    Total             $17,590

Equipment funded by:                           School/Organization
  QuickStart Tennis               1,340        Twin Springs ES and Chatham MS
  SHEETZ #306                       650        Mount Airy ES
  Anonymous grant               3,450        Kentuck, Southside, Stony Mill and Union Hall ES; Dan River MS
  USTA Mid Atlantic               1,300        Brosville and Chatham ES
  Womack Foundation            2,500        Gretna ES, Hurt ES, Gretna MS and Tunstall MS
  Sam's #4996                        500        Sacred Heart Catholic School
  Community Foundation
    of the Dan River Region     2,600       Chatham HS, Dan River HS, Gretna HS and Tunstall HS
            To be funded          $ 5,250

If you would like to help us equip Pittsylvania County, please email: quickstartcentral@comcast.net

Twin Springs Elementary School - December 2015

MANY THANKS to SHEETZ for equipping Mount Airy Elementary!

MANY THANKS to Sam's #4996 for stepping up for Jump Start QuickStart




Many thanks to the Community Foundation of the Dan River Region and the Womack Foundation for supporting tennis!!!





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